Saturday, December 10, 2005

Canada's holiday stamps

The Ottawa Citizen reports that for the first time, Canada Post is offering BOTH religious and non-religious stamps during the Christmas season.

In November, Canada Post released three holiday stamps - one showing a snowman and three featuring Nativity scenes (shown above).

According to the article, this came just two months after the Catholic Women's League of Canada asked members from its 1,350 councils across Canada to lobby Canada Post, the prime minister, revenue minister, and members of Parliament for a stamp that depicted Jesus's birth.

A Canada Post spokesperson said this year's themes were not the result of lobbying, but more of an "evolution. In 2002, the Christmas stamps showed aboriginal scenes of Jesus and Mary. In 2003, it was Christmas presents. Last year, the theme was Santa Claus parades.

Next year, it will offer three stamps featuring Christmas cards, and a fourth will depict a Madonna and child.

For more on this story, click here.

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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM