Monday, July 07, 2008

Pony Express Mail Delivery

The website reports that the newly formed Southeast New Mexico Oldtimers Association organized a Pony Express ride this past weekend "to bring their local communities together and relive a piece of history."

Post Master Valarie Watson is quoted in the article by Karl Terry as saying, "287 pieces of official USPS mail arrived on horseback." She pointed out, "...there was a good bit of red tape involved in getting the USPS to allow the mail to be carried in the old-fashioned mode..."

The USPS also authorized a special Pony Express cancellation. T-shirts with a map of the various routes were also available.

"For the sake of their horses, riders took a much more leisurely gait than a traditional Express rider, who went at full gallop and changed horses frequently," according to the report.

Shown above, Marvin Roberts, mounted, hands the mail to Postmaster Valarie Watson.

To read the entire article, click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM