Saturday, February 06, 2010

Super Bowl Commemorative Envelope

New Orleans officials estimate that more than 700 people packed the Post Office trying to get a limited edition, Super Bowl commemorative envelope.

"The Post Office expected a crowd, but nothing like this , and not every customer was happy when the limit changed from five to two per customer," according to WWL-TV.

The envelopes went on sale at 7 a.m. and by 10 a.m., the collector's items were sold out. Officials say they are expecting another shipment, but the bulk of those will go towards filling the rest of today's orders.

The Post Office is hoping to get more envelopes from Indianapolis and Miami.

Reporter Jill Hezeau in a video report indicated, "And while the two-hour wait time for those who got here at 7 a.m. was a little rough, It was all to get their hands on a piece of history."

To read the entire article and watch Jill's video report, click here.

To watch a separate video about the envelopes (shown above), click here.
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM