Friday, October 07, 2011

The Roger Ebert Stamp Company

John Finch, stamp guide, quotes film critic Roger Ebert and his youthful philatelic activities as mentioned in Ebert's book Life Itself: A Memoir(Grand Central Publishing, 2011)...

"It was from the basement that I operated the Roger Ebert Stamp Company, buying ten-cent ads in little stamp magazines and mailing out 'approvals' to a handful of customers, who must have been about my age. These I addressed on an old typewriter. One day two men came to the door and said they might want to buy some stamps. I proudly took them downstairs and showed them my wares. My mother hovered nervously at the head the stairs. The men left quickly, saying they didn't see anything they needed for their collections. Nevertheless, they seemed to be in a good mood. As they were driving way, my dad walked in from work. 'What did those men want?' he asked. We told him. 'Their car said Department of Internal Revenue,' he said."

Click here to check out John's other "Must Reads."
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM