Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Historic Santa Monica Post Office in Jeopardy

California's Santa Monica Lookout reports, "With the postal service shuttering and selling off many of its valuable buildings around the country to help stem its hemorrhaging budget, Santa Monica’s downtown post office could end up in private hands..."

Postal officials are quoted as saying that closing the Santa Monica Main Post office would save the agency $3 million in ten years, despite an initial cost of consolidating the operation with another nearby post office facility.

Built in 1938, the building at Fifth Street and Arizona Avenue is one of Santa Monica's few examples of Works Progress Administration (WPA) structures and has been recommended to be put on the National Registry for Historic Buildings.

Shown above, Santa Monica post office dedication on July 24, 1938.

To read the entire article, click here
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posted by Don Schilling at 12:01 AM